
Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Eggciting Eggsperiments

Making eggs float!
Camp Fire has been running an exciting Mad Science program in Quincy for grades 1-3. One of the two hour classes focused on eggs. The children began by finding out how to make an egg float. They began by predicting if it would float in a cup of water. 

Then the children were given the task to use salt to find out if they could make the egg float. Some children added very small amount of salt, while others were dumping it! The children who dumped the salt into their cup of water were able to make their egg float quicker. This made the other children excited, and pretty soon everyone was dumping salt into their cups! 

When everyone had successfully made their egg float, they began to discuss density. The children learned that adding salt into the water created a mixture that was denser than the egg... which allowed it to float!

Next, the children were given new ingredients, and they were left to explore on their own. Could they make an egg float with oil, dish soap, baking soda, sugar, or other ingredients? Some children were successful in making their eggs float, while others made some smelled or looked cool!

Finally, the children worked in small groups to create a safe structure for an egg drop. They had about 20 minutes to safely protect their egg from a full staircase drop! All children were excited to find that their eggs survived the drop!!

To find out more about our eggsperiments, or to try more on your own, click here!

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